Safety switches from Leuze electronic
Leuze electronic is one of the world's innovation leaders in optosensor technology and is internationally known as a leading manufacturer and solution provider in electrical automation. Its focus is on intralogistics and the packaging industry, machine tool manufacturing and the automotive industry, as well as medical technology. Its portfolio includes switching and measuring sensors, identification systems, solutions for image processing and data transmission, and components and systems for occupational safety. Founded in 1963, the company, based in Owen/Teck (Germany), has specific application know-how as well as broad industry knowledge. More than 1000 employees at 22 locations are active in development, production, sales and service, supported by more than 40 sales partners worldwide. Innovative product developments, customized overall solutions and a comprehensive range of services stand for the "Smart Sensor Business 4.0" at Leuze electronic.
Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG
In the Braike 1
73277 Owen/Teck